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Zany Zebra is ready for z holidays! Fa la la la la - la - zing- zing - zing!

Writer's picture: Dr. April Arfaras, "Zany"Dr. April Arfaras, "Zany"

Updated: Dec 10, 2021

Ok, all right, hang tight, ah huh, I know. It's almost here. It's almost time. What does a Zebra have to do to get ready for Christmas? Well, I know I am already adorable in my stripes, and being happy just the way I am is the best way to dress for success. Right? That is what I thought until I checked in with my other creatures and friends. Gee! Everyone is going wild. Is this normal for wild animals? All they talk about is what THEY want for Christmas.

Here's a rundown of what my friends have requested:

Andrew the Anteater wants an array of awesome, assorted ants to adore and devour with his snout. Boo the bear wants more bubbles for his Bear Bubble Spa. Then he sang, "doobie- doobie- doobie- doobie- doobie- doobie- wah." CopyCat Says she wants to wait until she finds out what everyone else wants so she can copy their ideas. What a copycat! Copernicus Crane, MD, prays for another year of being cancer free. Dolphin Dan says he wants one of those deluxe diving suits and a surfer dude surfboard to dazzle the other dolphin dare devils. Ephriam Frog wants a fancy toad stool to help him entertain his frog pond friends when they hop over for the holidays. The Florida Flamingoes want some more delicious shrimp so they can keep their festive pink color nice and flashy for the season. The Goober Eyed Geese gals want to gather berries for their Goober Geese Gala they hold each year for the ganders in the garden. Gerald Giraffe just wants to laugh. Harry Heron has Hiccups and can't communicate what he wants. He just goes "hiccup" when I ask. He hicc-ed up, he hicc-ed down, he hicc-ed a belly flop on the ground. Ima in the Trees said she simply wants to keep all of her Indiri brothers and sisters safe in their endangered rain forest and for the people to stop cutting down their trees. Jazzy Junebug wants tickets to attend a jazz concert. Kerplunk-it Kangaroo has requested a kazoo. Then, my Little Friends and Lambikins simply want to go a frolicking by the bears a wollicking in the Lily Lane. Mama and Myla elephant just want to keep their ivory tusks away from poachers. Noah Nightingale wished for a flock of lovebirds to nestle in London Tower while he performs a night of nonstop nesting songs. Muhammad Owlee dreams about his request to shadow box with his favorite sports idol of all time who could dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Penelope Pelican wants to perch on a plank and plan out a plot to pinpoint her plunge for a plentiful dinner. Quacky the Quail just wants to know why he is so different from his duckling brothers and sisters? Then, there's Ringo Racoon who wants raspberries and radishes for his romantic rendezvous in the Red Wood Forest with Reba Rabbit. What a Ridiculous Ringtail redneck! This romcom dude makes my eyes roll! It was such a relief to find out that Squawk the Hawk was more interested in getting a few siblings than any other special gift. It seems he was an only child. Tommy Turtle, I'm afraid, has asked for braces. He had been a ferocious thumb sucker. Yep, "tweedle dee, tweedle dumb, Tommy Turtle had sucked his thumb." The Urchin called Ooork wants a diving suit to keep up with that little mermaid he's crushing on named "Ursela." Ug! My friend Aubree asked for some tea and cheese to celebrate the friendship between her mouse and cat. Indeed, it was a Very Fine Tale of holiday bliss to hear how her cat was mistaking her mouse for a rat initially, and Aubree resolved it with a lovely tea party. Willis Willowby Wambat has asked for a pair of those Elton John glasses to style up his look. Secretly though, he confessed to me that he does not want to waste another worrisome day as blind as a wombat, as he actually needs those glasses to see. Xena & Xeno Xemes (seagulls) have requested some passports to allow them, and their baby gulls, safe passage between their birthplace, in the Arctic Circle and their migratory home in South America. Yikes the Yak wants a new mountain bike to enjoy the Himalayas with his brother Yonder and his sister Yesterday. Yay!

Ha ha ha haaaa! I almost forgot, yours truly, that's me-- the ZZ! All I want for Christmas is you! Start a Zany Zebra Collection of your favorite Zany Zebra books and be sure to get your parents and teachers to guide you through the interactive activities in the back of each book. Be on the lookout for new releases and book signing events near you. Tell your school, favorite retailers, libraries, bookstores, gift shops, museums, scout troops, church groups and friends to schedule a Musical Interactive Zany Zebra Reader's Theater and Book Signing event. All you have to do is ask. Za-zing!

Be sure to get my newest release "Ian and the Blue Wing Flying Machine," illustrated by fine artist Annie Howard, as it is hot off the press and the first of our new series, the Zany Zebra Classics Collection.

Happy Holidays!

P. S. In 2022, Zany Zebra and Friends is coming to television. Get Ready!

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